People Resources

‘Making Things Work’ – Perceptions of Manufacturing

The Future of Work team has recently completed a survey of 2107 representative people drawn from across the UK to provide insights into their perceptions of the manufacturing sector and jobs. The primary aim of this survey is to better understand UK public perceptions of the manufacturing industry and jobs, and what factors shape these views and opinions. We were interested in examining a range of issues:

  • Whether people still value (and how positive they feel about) manufacturing in the post-industrial economy, and their awareness of manufacturing in the media
  • What people associate with manufacturing work and jobs, and what qualities they are looking for in jobs that need to be reflected in job offers to attract talent
  • The perceived quality of manufacturing jobs for those currently working in (or familiar with) the sector and whether people would encourage others to enter the sector
  • How new manufacturing technologies are likely to change future jobs and careers in manufacturing
  • How can the sector best attract emerging young and ‘untapped’ talent?

In the ‘war for talent’, perceptions matter because they provide a snapshot of public opinion about the attraction of the sector and working in manufacturing. They may not measure up against ‘reality’, they may be ‘misinformed’ but ultimately this matters more to many of the people we interviewed than employers and industry stakeholders. However, if you are wondering how people in the UK look at the sector, or how employers should be best positioned to attract people into manufacturing, ignore them at your peril.

Our results throw up some surprising and interesting findings that we hope will be useful to a range of key audiences: academics, employers, industry stakeholders and UK policy makers.

Our findings indicate:

  • People still value manufacturing but visibility is lacking
  • Images of manufacturing work are putting people off
  • Job quality matters in manufacturing
  • The digital future looks bright but there are concerns about downskilling and job destruction
  • Attracting future talent means more good people practice

Our key messages for employers and industry stakeholders:

  • Keep talking up the value of your sector, people know you are essential and valuable, but the media reach and messaging of the sector isn’t reflecting that effectively.
  • Legacy images of old-fashioned manufacturing work impact negatively on how people look at jobs and careers in the sector. Although job quality is reasonable for many manufacturing workers, more needs to be done selling this message outside the sector to hard-to-reach groups such as women and minorities.
  • People anticipate that new technologies will improve the quality of future manufacturing jobs but have concerns about job destruction and its likely impact on opportunities and job security.
  • Going forward, attracting new talent will mean employers making greater investments in positive people practices in areas such as well-being, flexible working, and inclusive workspaces.

This work was conducted by Dr. Robert Stewart, Professor Jillian MacBryde, Professor Colin Lindsay and Dr. Carolina Marin-Cadavid (University of Strathclyde). This work was supported by the UKRI Made Smarter Innovation Challenge and the Economic and Social Research Council via InterAct [Grant Reference ES/W007231/1].

For further discussions and information about this research, please contact Robert Stewart.

People Productivity Resilience Resources Sustainability

InterAct Conference 2022

As we embark on the next stage of our industrial evolution, digitalisation will shape the future of our economy, manufacturing ecosystem, and workplace. Digital technologies can enable us to create the future we want and move beyond consumption driven economic growth.

Our challenge is to create a future digital manufacturing ecosystem that meets our net-zero ambitions, whilst being resilient and productive. Thus, ensuring that everyone has the things that they need, at a price that they can afford, without damaging the environment or society.

To create the future digital manufacturing ecosystem we want, we need to work together. In order to combine our expertise from the broadest range of perspectives around this common goal, we need to InterAct.

Find out more about the outcomes of our first annual conference below.

How did the InterAct conference benefit attendees?

  • Gaining actionable human insights into the future manufacturing environment.
  • Networking and building relationships with cross-sector experts interested in creating a positive, forward-thinking vision for UK industry.
  • Building narrative development skills to enhance the reach of messaging in the digital environment.
  • The opportunity to take part in a collaborative workshop on the theme ‘How do we create the digital manufacturing futures we want to see, together’.
  • Engagement with a panel of highly regarded speakers from the world of manufacturing, policy, and academia during an interactive Q&A session.


We were delighted to welcome a roster of world-leading speakers, who shared unique insights and perspectives on their areas of expertise in relation to the theme of ‘Creating the digital manufacturing future we want’.

Our speakers were drawn from a wide range of backgrounds across industry, policy, think-tanks, and academia. Together they represent a diverse collection of voices that we want to draw into the wider conversation about what it will take to build a future that delivers for everyone.

View or download artwork of all talks below.

Download “Conference 2022 sketches” InterAct-Conference-Art.pdf – Downloaded 1244 times – 7.41 MB

Sean Culey

Keynote Speaker

Futurist and author

Tamim Bayoumi

Keynote Speaker

Deputy Director at the International Monetary Fund

Kim Lloyd

Speaker – Future of Digital Manufacturing Ecosystems

EMEA Director at SupplyVue

Professor John Hart

Speaker – Future of Digital Manufacturing Ecosystems

Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT
Director, Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity

Jason Southern

Speaker – Future of Digital Manufacturing Ecosystems

EMEA Head of Enterprise Software & Visualisation Segments at Nvidia

Bhavina Bharkada

Speaker – Future of Work

Head of Policy and Campaigns at Make UK

Troy Barratt

Speaker – Future of Work

Managing Director at BAMUK Group Ltd

Aimee Doole

Speaker – Future of Work

Strategy, Communications & Marketing Head at Booth Welsh

Professor Philip McCann

Speaker – Future of the Economy

Chair of Urban and Regional Economics at Alliance Manchester Business School.

Lord Jim O’Neill of Gatley

Speaker – Future of the Economy

Member of House of Lords, former Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs.

Katy Davies

Speaker – Future of the Economy

Managing Director at CamdenBoss Ltd

Chris Courtney

Panelist and Keynote Speaker

UKRI Challenge Director for Made Smarter Innovation

Clare Porter


Head of Manufacturing Policy at the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

Fhaheen Khan


Senior Economist at Make UK

Professor Jan Godsell

InterAct Co-director and host

Dean of the School of Business and Economics at Loughborough University

Dr. Antonia Liguori

Storytelling and critical question formulation workshop lead

Senior Lecturer in Applied Storytelling


09:00  Arrival and coffee
09:30Welcome and objectives
09:45Keynote speakers
Tamim Bayoumi
Chris Courtney
10:15Future of Digital Manufacturing Ecosystems
Kim Lloyd
John Hart
Jason Southern
11:00   Break
11:30Future of Work
Troy Barratt
Aimee Doole
Bhavina Bharkada
12:15Future of the Economy
Katy Davies
Lord Jim O’Neill
Professor Philip McCann
13:45Keynote speaker
Sean Culey
14:00Storytelling and critical question formulation workshop
15:30‘Critical questions’ panel debate
Chris Courtney
Clare Porter
Troy Barratt
Katy Davies
16:20Closing comments
17:00Storytelling screening and drinks reception