
InterAct hosts Celebration Event

InterAct’s Celebration Event was hosted at Holywell Conference Centre, Loughborough University, on 10th and 11th February 2025. The event brought together a wide range of individuals involved in all elements of InterAct, from Core and Commissioned Researchers to Strategic Advisory Board members and Global Mission collaborators.

The central theme of the conference surrounded ‘what is next?’, allowing participants to identify future collaboration interests and work towards new ideas and funding opportunities as a result of their time with InterAct.

The first day of the event featured a sandpit session hosted by The Collective. This was an intensive, interactive, and free-thinking environment for groups to develop innovative research ideas for potential future funding.

The team enjoyed a three-course dinner at Burleigh Court in the evening, celebrating the outcomes of the project and exciting prospects for future collaboration.

The second day of the event featured a showcase session, allowing the Core and Commissioned Research teams to showcase the outcomes and impacts of their work to colleagues, as well as the funding council Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), senior members of Made Smarter Innovation Challenge and the InterAct Strategic Advisory Board.

During the day, Boxset Media collected video of the event, as well as interviewing key InterAct members about their experiences on the project. We were also joined by graphic recorder Cara Holland, who turned the discussions of the day into illustrations. These videos and illustrations will be made available on the InterAct website.

As the curtains closed on the Celebration Event, InterAct Co-directors Professor Janet Godsell and Professor Jillian MacBryde expressed their gratitude for the attendees that contributed to such a vibrant and collaborative event atmosphere, as well as all those that have been involved in InterAct throughout the project.

We look forward to seeing what is next for the future of the InterAct Network.

InterAct Blog

Breaking down the barriers to deep tech adoption will be critical to improving supply chain resilience in the UK

Factors such as climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and ongoing global regulatory hurdles have all exposed the fragility of global supply chains. It is now more essential than ever that continued collaboration, and the adoption of digital technologies are encouraged to help build more sustainable, efficient and resilient supply chains that remain strong in the face of external challenges. Doing so will be critical to improving supply chain resilience in the UK, but the barriers to adoption must be broken down first.

Addressing the SME gap

Research from the Made Smarter Innovation | Digital Supply Chain Hub reveals organisations’ top priorities and interests when it comes to digitalising their supply chains, and the barriers preventing them from doing so. What’s clear is that interest in adopting digital supply chain technologies continues to grow in parity with the changing commercial climate, but that barriers to adoption amongst SMEs must be addressed as a priority.

A total of 502 large UK manufacturers and 502 UK SME manufacturers were surveyed as part of this research. The findings show that SME manufacturers are less likely to prioritise adopting digital supply chain technologies than large businesses. Adopting new digital supply chain technologies is a top three priority for large manufacturers along with improving market reputation and reducing costs. The discrepancy between SMEs and large businesses is particularly important, given the economic value of SMEs and the role they play in broader sectoral growth and development.

In fact, the research further found that adopting new digital supply chain technologies is less likely to be cited as a top business priority for SMEs than reducing costs, increasing brand awareness, improving market reputation, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Despite the lack of prioritisation, the research did find growing interest in advanced digital technologies amongst SMEs, promising a new era of supply chain innovation amongst SME leaders.

Recognising the growing interest in digital supply chain technologies

While falling behind their larger counterparts, the tide may well be turning for SMEs, with a growing number looking to improve their supply chains, with digital technologies and innovation holding the key. The SMEs surveyed are slightly less likely to be prioritising supply chain digital transformation, with 14% saying they don’t currently have any supply chain top priorities. That said however, 44% of these businesses are looking to enhance supply chain efficiency and automation, while a third are prioritising building resilience against disruptions, developing a more sustainable supply chain, and improving visibility and traceability.

While it may appear that SMEs fall behind their larger counterparts when it comes to the adoption of digital supply chain technologies, it is clear that innovation will play a critical role in helping these businesses to achieve their business goals in the long-term, despite the barriers to adoption.

Understanding the barriers to adoption

Above all, businesses are looking to enhance efficiency and automation by digitalising their supply chains, but the barriers to adoption pose a pressing challenge that may inhibit economic growth. While enhancing efficiency and automation, building resilience against disruptions, and developing a more sustainable supply chain are most likely to be cited by large manufacturers as top priorities, the barriers to achieving these commercial objectives vary.

The research shows that businesses of all sizes are facing similar challenges when it comes to adopting digital supply chain technologies. Respondents in both large businesses and SMEs are most likely to say that the most significant barriers hindering digital transformation in their organisation are existing processes, resources and work culture. In light of these barriers to adoption, initiatives and programmes are available to businesses to help them to accelerate the practical application of deep tech solutions and improve UK supply chain resilience.

The value of the Digital Supply Chain Hub and UK SCALE Centre

These barriers to adoption are why initiatives like the Digital Supply Chain Hub and the UK SCALE Centre are vital interventions within often traditionally operated organisations and sectors.

The Digital Supply Chain Hub delivered by Digital Catapult, facilitates the necessary connections, collaboration and knowledge sharing between industry and technology solution providers to improve UK industrial supply chain resilience through the application of deep tech solutions. So far, the programme has 37 funded projects with industry, technology and academic partners, and 255 industry engagements across all manufacturing sectors, demonstrating the value of the programme in supporting both SMEs and larger businesses.

We have been keen to work with the UK SCALE Centre since it’s inception in June 2024 as a way to further develop the future supply chain ecosystem and cross-regional partnerships. I encourage UK industry, academia and supply chain professionals to join and collaborate with the Digital Supply Chain Hub and UK SCALE Centre to further this vital mission across the UK supply chain ecosystem, as we seek to build a more productive, resilient and sustainable future.

This article was published by Loughborough University, read the original version here.

About the author

Tim Lawrence is the Director of the Digital Supply Chain Hub, Digital Catapult in this article, Tim outlines the importance of breaking down technological barriers to improve supply chain resilience in the UK.

InterAct Blog

Charging Forward: Electric vehicles and what we can learn about the role of Global Value Chains in sustainable manufacturing

Faced with the challenge of climate change, and the growing need for sustainable business practices, it can often be hard to know where to start. In this guide, InterAct researchers examine the critical role of global value chains for the future of UK manufacturing, through the case study of the electric vehicle sector.

The UK automotive industry stands at a crossroads, facing a rapidly evolving landscape driven by the global electric vehicle (EV) revolution. While EVs offer a pathway to a greener and more sustainable future, the challenges of global value chain (GVC) dependencies, rising material costs, and competitive industrial policies present formidable hurdles. InterAct research has delved into these dynamics and outlines strategies for positioning the UK as a leader in sustainability-oriented manufacturing.

Industry in transition

Recent developments underscore the urgency of action. In November 2024, Stellantis announced the closure of its Vauxhall plant in Luton, resulting in 1,100 job losses. This follows Ford’s decision to cut 800 UK-based positions and Nissan’s global reduction of 9,000 jobs, with major potential implications for its UK operations.

These challenges reveal a broader issue: Europe’s historical dominance in the automotive sector is under strain, and the UK must adapt to remain competitive amidst shifting supply chains and mounting global competition. Nor is this unique to the automotive sector, with many organisations and governments in developing economies seeking technology transfer and more equal partnerships as a requirement for access to markets or local production. Explored in our global research missions, the rapid pace of advancement in manufacturing across countries like Singapore, India and Malaysia, highlights the need for the UK to evolve to compete.

The changing EV landscape

The transition from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to EVs, driven by technological advancements, environmental awareness, and significant policy support, is reshaping not only the automotive industry but also the intricate web of GVCs that underpin EV production.

Since 2010, the cost of lithium-ion battery packs has plummeted by 89%, making EVs increasingly competitive with ICE vehicles. EVs now account for a substantial share of global passenger car exports, growing from 4.3% in 2017 to 27.6% in September 2024. This growth has been bolstered by government incentives, such as tax credits and investments in charging infrastructure, and by tightening emission standards.

Germany and China lead the EV sales in export value and quantity respectively. UK-made EVs, while primarily destined for EU markets (accounting for 68% of exports), face pressure, despite being delayed, to comply with rules of origin (RoO) requirements under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). These rules necessitate higher regional content in EVs and batteries, complicating the supply chain landscape.

With the challenge of where to locate manufacturing, new opportunities are arising through the reshoring or ‘right-shoring’ of production, with localised manufacturing offering improved resilience against global supply chain shocks such as pandemics, conflicts or logistical disruption. Locating manufacturing closer to the consumer base also offers the potential to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of supply chains due to significantly shorter transport links.

Three key trends shaping the future

In September, electric vehicles (EVs) accounted for 27.6% of car sales across 15 major markets, marking a 7.6 percentage point increase year-on-year. The UK ranks fifth globally in EV adoption, underscoring its potential as a leader in this transition. Electrification is the future, but progress hinges on a stable, predictable policy environment that encourages investment and innovation. It is therefore essential that manufacturers make their voice heard, with collective messaging to government and policymakers that can cut through the noise, encouraging a clearly articulated vision and strategy.

While China continues to dominate the lithium-ion battery market, European nations such as Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic are emerging as key exporters of EV batteries. Meanwhile, the Inflation Reduction Act in the US has spurred the growth of US electric vehicle innovation and production. In the face of such major competition, the UK should seriously consider aligning closely with EU supply chains to potentially enhance resilience and competitiveness, ensuring the automotive sector remains integrated into global markets. This consideration is especially relevant in light of recent EU legislation surrounding traceability and digital product passports, explored in an InterAct funded research project.

Success in the automotive industry increasingly relies on building efficient and adaptable supply chains, not just manufacturing the best vehicles. This requires collaboration, investment, and strategic vision—elements that are difficult to achieve without systemic support. InterAct’s ‘Scenarios 2040’ work from researchers at Loughborough University has highlighted the essential importance of taking a full ‘ecosystem’ approach to the future of the sector, with manufacturers working with suppliers across their supply chain to determine the most viable and beneficial future for everyone.

A moment for strategic decision-making

The UK manufacturing sector is at a pivotal moment. Sustaining its position in this high-stakes global competition will require visionary leadership, robust policy support, and alignment with broader industrial strategies. The alternative—neglect or fragmented efforts— is likely to result in a gradual decline of one of the UK’s historically significant sectors.

If the UK Industrial Strategy is to back industries such as automotive manufacturing with bold action instead of pivoting decisively towards other emerging opportunities, then policymakers and manufacturers need to explore and adopt strategic recommendations. In the case of the automotive industry shift to electric vehicles, these are:

  • Invest in local battery production facilities and recycling initiatives to reduce dependency on imports and align with RoO requirements.
  • Promote innovation in battery technology to improve efficiency and lower costs.
  • Negotiate flexible trade agreements that account for the complexities of GVCs.
  • Strengthen partnerships within the EU to ensure seamless access to key markets.
  • Diversify sources for critical materials to mitigate geopolitical and market risks.
  • Establish regional partnerships to secure stable supply chains for EV production.
Charting a Path Forward

The success or failure of the UK manufacturing sector over the next few decades hinges on its ability to adapt to the changing global landscape. By addressing critical dependencies and fostering innovation, the sector can leverage the opportunities presented by the green technology revolution. With strategic investments and policy alignment, the UK can solidify its position and push towards a bright manufacturing future.

People Productivity Resources

Webinar – Digital transformation, inclusion and innovation in manufacturing

Watch the full recording.

Webinar overview

This session featured Professor Colin Lindsay from InterAct’s ‘Future of Work’ team and Dr Marisa Smith of the ‘Disability Inclusion in Manufacturing’ project, alongside LightGuide’s Managing Director – EMEA, Marc Baines.

The aim of the webinar was to examine the growth of digital solutions in manufacturing and what opportunities they offer organisations willing to embrace change. Colin, Marc and Marisa discussed how new technology have the capacity to empower employees, drive productivity and innovation, and diversify the talent pool to expand workforce inclusivity.

People Resources

Future scenarios for attracting the next generation of young talent into digital manufacturing careers

Digital transformation has unrivalled potential to improve the lives of citizens throughout the UK and renew the way that the private, public and third sectors can work together.

For UK manufacturing, digital transformation will require future workplaces that can attract and retain young talent from diverse backgrounds and mindsets. However, research by MAKE UK reported that in 2021 only 2% of the average UK manufacturing workforce is currently below 30 years old.

Outdated perceptions overshadow the exciting, tech-driven careers modern manufacturing offers. Attracting the best young talent starts with changing those views.

InterAct’s future-focused research provides free, human-centric insights to help you understand and attract tomorrow’s workforce.

Get started today with our workforce scenarios guide – designed to help you shape the future of talent.

This research was conducted by Dr Karl Warner (University of Glasgow), Dr Nicola Bailey (Kings College London), Dr Anna Chatzimichali (University of Bath), Mr Malek El-Qallali, (University of Bath), Dr Imtiaz Khan (Cardiff Metropolitan University), Dr Anastasia Kulichyova, (Queens University Belfast). This work was supported by the UKRI Made Smarter Innovation Challenge and the Economic and Social Research Council via InterAct [Grant Reference ES/W007231/1].

For further discussions or to propose potential applications/collaborations, please contact Karl Warner.

People Resources

InterAct Co-director features in Journal of Operations Management’s podcast

Professor Janet Godsell (Dean of Loughborough Business School and InterAct Co-director) features in the Journal of Operations Management’s podcast on ‘Advancing Engaged Practice-Orientated Research’.

In the episode, Jan discusses advancing engaged practice-orientated research with the panel and the importance of this engagement between academia and industry.

Jan highlights institutional mechanisms to facilitate this engagement, such as industrial collaborator forums and masters/MBA student projects to encourage low risk collaboration between businesses and academics.

InterAct Blog

Mission to Australia: sharing cutting-edge research from the ‘factories of the future’

The InterAct Future of Work Team visited Australia for an international evidence-gathering mission, seeking to share findings from our research with manufacturing stakeholders and learn from good practice in fostering collaboration and innovation in the sector. As reported in our first blog from Professor Jill MacBryde, our first engagements in Brisbane were really inspiring, as we learned about how colleagues at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) have partnered with Australian manufacturers, and we visited the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Hub, to see first-hand how this collaborative factory space brings together researchers, tech experts and growing manufacturing SMEs to ensure that manufacturers have the support they need to scale and innovate.

Our next stop was Melbourne, where the team hugely enjoyed hearing from Professor Laura Anne Bull (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education, Experience & Employability at Swinburne University of Technology) and her team about Swinburne’s exciting work around business engagement and innovation, which is realised through impactful collaborations with manufacturers and others, but also integrated in the employability-related provision delivered to students. The jewels in the crown of Swinburne’s engagement with manufacturing stakeholders are their Factory of the Future, Smart Structures Lab and SEAM (Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials) Lab, where we were pleased to spend the morning for a research visit.

Experts in each laboratory walked us through some of the cutting-edge technologies they deploy to support the manufacturing industry in their innovation journeys. Professor Anita Kocsis (Director of Design Factory Melbourne at Swinburne) also helped us understand how the Factory of the Future and other manufacturing-facing initiatives connect with a broader suite of collaborations that place Swinburne and partners at the centre of a burgeoning design innovation ecosystem across Victoria.

We were fortunate to have Dr Avril Thomson (Head of Skills Programmes at the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland) as a key member of our Mission team, so that Avril could share insights from the NMIS team’s wide range of impactful learning and technology transfer solutions in Scotland, and compare notes with various factories of the future experts in Australia. There were interesting parallels between the work carried out by NMIS, Catapult network stakeholders and other partners in the UK, and the essential and practically useful support provided by Swinburne’s Factory of the Future, for example through its innovative Industrial Digital Transformation Hub.

The final Australian city stop for the team was Adelaide in South Australia, where we were able to spend time at a second Factory of the Future. Flinders University leads this fast-developing project, and we were able to tour some exciting innovation projects being developed by manufacturers in collaboration with the Factory of the Future. Inspirational Principal Manager Philipp Dautel shared Factory of the Future’s vision for a world-class, advanced manufacturing innovation and training facility that will engage up to 250 companies, a vision that is already beginning to be realised through a range of exciting ongoing projects and a major build underway. Factory of the Future is embedded within the stunning Tonsley Innovation District – a formerly disused automotive manufacturing site that has now regenerated into an innovation and inclusive hub hosting partners ranging from mega-MNEs like BAE Systems to local SMEs.

While visiting Adelaide, the team also enjoyed two excellent research dissemination events kindly hosted by Professor Michael Gilding (Vice President and Executive Dean, College of Business, Government and Law at Flinders University). First, we enjoyed a lively roundtable discussion with senior policy and business stakeholders, with Professor Jill MacBryde presenting InterAct research on attracting the next generation of talent to manufacturing work, while we also shared insights on digital ‘dynamic capabilities’ from our research with industry leaders in the UK, and Dr Avril Thomson spoke about NMIS’s impact in collaborating with Scottish manufacturers on emerging skill needs.

Then, we followed a first successful event with a half-day workshop targeting manufacturing managers and stakeholders. This time, I got the opportunity to share research on the importance of effective people management and fair work for the manufacturing sector (drawing on the work of both InterAct and the ESRC PrOPEL Hub). My colleagues Professor Jill MacBryde and Dr Avril Thomson both led interactive workshops on the future of work and skills in manufacturing.

It was great to engage directly with South Australia’s manufacturing stakeholder community, and we’re hugely grateful to Philipp, Michael and their teams at Factory of the Future and Flinders for making it happen. It was also interesting to hear much positivity about the future of manufacturing work from policy, business and manufacturing leaders, but also familiar concerns raised about skill shortages and the challenge of attracting (especially young) people to the sector.

Often following the UK (and indeed Scotland’s) example, national and regional policy stakeholders in Australia have invested in collaborative spaces and projects that have the potential to impact significantly on innovation and digital transformation in manufacturing. Just as in the UK, there are really exciting partnerships between higher education, research and manufacturing – something that obviously chimes with the core values of InterAct, and its partners. Finally, there was a willingness to engage with the idea that people – and therefore people’s jobs and experiences in the workplace – are crucial to understanding and fostering the high value, innovative future that we want in manufacturing. Sharing robust research and best practice on ‘what works’ in practices that support an innovative, inclusive and productive future of manufacturing work will remain a key mission of the InterAct team.


InterAct partners with LightGuide to explore digital transformation, inclusion and innovation in manufacturing

On Wednesday 4th December, InterAct joined forces with LightGuide, Inc. to host a webinar focused on digital transformation, inclusion and innovation in manufacturing.

This session featured Professor Colin Lindsay from InterAct’s ‘Future of Work’ team and Dr Marisa Smith of the ‘Disability Inclusion in Manufacturing’ project, alongside LightGuide’s Managing Director – EMEA, Marc Baines.

The aim of the webinar was to examine the growth of digital solutions in manufacturing and what opportunities they offer organisations willing to embrace change. Colin, Marc and Marisa discussed how new technology have the capacity to empower employees, drive productivity and innovation, and diversify the talent pool to expand workforce inclusivity.

Discussing the event, Professor Lindsay said: “It’s always fantastic to have the opportunity to take part in these kind of sessions in partnership with industrial digital technology providers. InterAct’s mission has always been to bridge the gap between academia, manufacturing, and digital technology providers, building a network and breaking down barriers to get everyone speaking the same language. Webinars like this give us exactly the right platform to build those collaborative relationships and share insights from a variety of unique perspectives.”

The webinar also explored examples of innovative practice shared by LightGuide, a leading projected AR work instruction software provider offering inclusive workplace solutions. These solutions transform manual processes by projecting digital step-by-step AR work instructions onto an employee’s work surface, standardizing and error proofing the work. Coupled with 3D sensors and vision cameras, the system prevents and detects errors in real-time while capturing data and insights on your operator’s performance and quality.

Watch the full webinar recording on YouTube.
InterAct Blog

InterAct Future of Work Mission to Australia touches down in Brisbane

In November 2024, the InterAct Future of Work Team visited Australia for an international evidence-gathering mission to complement research on how we can ensure that digital transformation in manufacturing is aligned with strategies for workplace innovation and employee empowerment, to benefit businesses, people and build the positive future for manufacturing work that we all want.

The InterAct team – including Professor Colin Lindsay (Strathclyde Business School) and Dr Avril Thomson (National Manufacturing Institute Scotland) – engaged with businesses, innovation hubs and research experts, on a mission to mine the best evidence on ‘what might work’ in supporting an innovative and inclusive future for manufacturing. We learnt a lot by engaging with Australian stakeholders, hearing about how the university sector and manufacturing businesses have collaborated effectively, the challenges faced by manufacturing employers (some of which will be familiar to UK manufacturers) and exciting initiatives to drive innovation and productivity.

First stop on our mission was Queensland University of Technology (QUT), a leading technological university. It was good to meet with Professor Rowena Barrett (Pro Vice-Chancellor for Entrepreneurship and Regional Innovation), Professor Glen Murphy, and members of the QUT team, to hear about the important industry engagement work being taken forward by QUT, with collaboration with the local and national manufacturing ecosystem being a key priority. ‘QUT Entrepreneurship’ seeks to inspire and amplify entrepreneurship and business engagement opportunities for students, staff and alumni. We were impressed with QUT’s commitment to supporting business model development, and innovative programmes such as ‘Growth Lab’, which seek to help scaling businesses (including manufacturing SMEs). We met with QUT team members at their ‘Foundry’, a collaborative space where partnering businesses can access learning resources and coaching and (just as importantly) network and share ideas.

The InterAct team were also particularly excited to visit the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Hub – a fantastic opportunity to learn about the progress made by this exciting manufacturing research and innovation hub. Initially growing from funding from the Queensland state government, ARM has since gone on to establish a national reach, partnering with all universities in Queensland and many institutions across wider Australia.

Professor Cori Stewart (Director of ARM) and Dr Troy Cordie (Mechtronics Lead) explained that in the past five years, ARM has provided the practical space for manufacturing start-ups and scale-ups to innovate, test, and develop ideas in a real factory setting. Clearly, this meets an important need for scaling manufacturers – there’s a big difference between testing a prototype and producing at scale for market, and ARM helps ‘young’ manufacturing companies to navigate this challenge and de-risk the step up to large scale manufacturing. Success means ‘tenants’ outgrowing the ARM facility and securing the resources to establish their own production spaces – tenants generally turnover after 12-18 months.

As well as the practical support, materials, equipment and room provided by ARM, we were struck by the open, collaborative space and culture established at the facility, which has clearly helped different companies to learn together and from each other. ARM and QUT colleagues emphasised a shared commitment to contributing to a collaborative and innovative manufacturing ecosystem, and the University’s undergraduate and postgraduate students benefit from placements with both ARM and tenant businesses. Secondments and collaborative working arrangements between ARM and state universities means that Higher Education staff can share their expertise and learn from working in the ARM environment.

It was good to hear that ARM is actively planning to expand its physical footprint and capacity to support more growing manufacturing businesses. It was also great to learn about the wide range of manufacturing innovators who continue to partner with ARM, from founding partner organisation Urban Arts Project, whose large-scale art projects neatly illustrate the potential for advanced manufacturing to contribute to creative industries and architectural design solutions, to Verton, a current ARM partner whose innovative design and manufacture work is making a key contribution to the renewables sector internationally, including in Scotland.

Phase 1 of our Australia mission reminded us of the value of close, constructive and pragmatic collaboration between the university sector and manufacturing. We also reflected on the importance of places and spaces for collaboration and innovation: from ‘foundries’ embedded in universities where researchers and business leaders can share ideas and identify solutions, to fantastically innovative hubs like ARM, providing the space and support for burgeoning success stories to grow.


InterAct investigates the future of aerospace manufacturing in Malaysia

At the end of November 2024, the InterAct team continued their series of InterAct Global research missions with a visit to Kuala Lumpa, Malaysia. InterAct Global is an expansion of the project, designed to bring insights from international manufacturing and technological innovation in the UK sector. The visit enabled the team to engage with those in the defence aerospace sector that are working towards an increasingly digitalised defence aerospace industry in Malaysia.

InterAct is hoping to create both local and global impact by exchanging knowledge with international players in the worldwide manufacturing ecosystem. These missions will help to better understand the competitive advantages of other countries, learn from them, and exchange best practices and processes. Providing these insights to UK businesses and policymakers, the project aims to tackle the future challenges of digital transformation across three key areas: ecosystems, economies, and workplaces.

Malaysia represents an interesting case study for innovation, with clearly defined priorities in the shift from Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) to aerospace manufacturing, as well as upskilling the future workforce and making the sector attractive to Gen Z. The team had the chance to explore this in more depth through various to companies including:

  • Galaxy Aerospace

InterAct had the chance to expand upon these visits and discussions with two workshops, hosted in collaboration with National Defence University of Malaysia (UPNM) and Ministry of Defence Malaysia (MINDEF). These events brought together a range of high calibre attendees, including those from defence aerospace and civil aerospace sectors, as well as those from academia, to collaborate and strategise for their shared vision of a digital future.

These engaging sessions offered participants a chance to hear from the InterAct team, MINDEF and industry stakeholders as they discussed:

  • The role of Malaysia in the 2040 defence aerospace Global Value Chain (GVC)
  • The importance of academia in the future progression of the defence sector
  • The future of work in the Malaysia defence aerospace industry
  • Bridging skills gaps and Gen Z in the labour market

Attendees also contributed to an extended shared understanding of the challenges and opportunities for the sector through the workshops built around the approaches of the InterAct Future of Work and Future of Digital Manufacturing Ecosystems teams, led by Dr. Robert Stewart, Dr. Carolina Marin-Cadavid, Dr. Usman Ghani, Anna Mate, Jose Hernandez and Millie Rodgers.

We want to thank all of our generous hosts and partners for the success of this mission and look forward to bringing more insights from our further global engagement activities.