People Productivity Resilience Resources Sustainability

InterAct’s Emergent Theory of Change

Beginning in September 2024, a team of researchers at Loughborough Business School conducted a comprehensive metareview of the research outputs produced by projects funded through InterAct. The review systematically analysed insights from multiple sources, drawing out key lessons for policymakers, businesses, and researchers on how industrial digital technologies (IDTs) are shaping UK manufacturing. Using qualitative coding through NVivo, they identified core themes to provide a cross-cutting analysis of the challenges and opportunities in IDT adoption.

The metareview has generated a range of outputs, including an overarching theory of change, policy briefing and short animation to support manufacturers, technology providers, and policymakers to make informed decisions.

This research was conducted by Dr. Jeannie Holstein, Dr. Kate Broadhurst, Dr. Lei Chen, Dr. Elaine Conway, Dr Elena Georgiadou and Dr. Anna Raffoni (Loughborough Business School). This work was supported by the UKRI Made Smarter Innovation Challenge and the Economic and Social Research Council via InterAct [Grant Reference ES/W007231/1].