Our partners Make UK are spearheading the effort to broaden the appeal of manufacturing careers and build excitement around the industry with National Manufacturing Day, taking place on Thursday 28th September. It is a day for companies to open their doors and create a national celebration of manufacturing.
InterAct, as a Made Smarter Innovation funded network, will be joining this effort again this year with our second Discovery Day event, focused on the Future of Digtial Manufacturing Ecosystems. We'll be discussing the importance of this research, showcasing the visions and scenarios the team have developed, workshopping new ideas and putting it all into context with a tour of the Vitsoe Ltd. production facility to showcase their longevity focused, sustainable approach to supply chains and manufacturing.
Vitsoe is a furniture manufacturing business, with production based in Leamington Spa. For more than 60 years it has been Vitsœ’s goal to make long-living furniture. Vitsœ’s products are designed as true systems with high-quality specification and finishes to ensure flexibility, adaptability, durability and therefore, longevity.