The role of digital minimum standards and a model-based definition

Date: 28 November 2023
Time: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm
Location: AMRC North West, Roy Chadwick Way, Samlesbury Enterprise Zone

Every organisation creates tailored ways of interpreting engineering information  to suit their unique structures. In increasingly interconnected and global supply chains, this can mean a lack of quick action and limited coordination, with suppliers often forced to react to the last levels of demand rather than the next.

Hosted by the Digital Supply Chain Hub’s Connected MBEE flagship, this full-day event explores the way that digital minimum standards, underpinned by a model-based definition of engineering information, can boost coordination across more resilient supply chains, cutting waste in materials, time, and money.

Experts from the Digital Supply Chain Hub and partners will showcase practical examples from across relevant sectors, including:

  • Digital minimum standards and how they can help 
  • How a model-based definition of engineering information can allow software agnostic data communication 
  • Transparency in the supply chain and the associated collaboration culture

Content on the day will be tailored to attendees. There will be multiple opportunities to ask questions of the experts and join group discussions around your specific supply chain challenges.