InterAct’s logic model demonstrates the ways in which the network contributes to Made Smarter Innovation (MSI) by providing a clear and structured representation of the project’s activities, outputs and how we intend to contribute to MSI’s short and long term outcomes.
Our theory of change provides a visual representation of how components of the logic model, e.g. our project’s activities, will lead to the change that we desire to make.
Both our impact map and logic model are intended to act as reference documents to help researchers complete an impact and stakeholder engagement planning template.
Using this standardised approach towards impact planning has allowed us to easily compare the progress of each project against our objectives, to provide support as needed and may act as a useful framework to support strategic planning.
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Download “InterAct - Theory of Change and Logic Model” InterAct-Logic-Model-Theory-of-Change.pdf – Downloaded 90 times – 1.48 MBInterAct’s emergent enhanced Theory of Change

Beginning in September 2024, a team of researchers at Loughborough Business School conducted a comprehensive metareview of the research outputs produced by projects funded through InterAct. The review systematically analysed insights from multiple sources, drawing out key lessons for policymakers, businesses, and researchers on how industrial digital technologies (IDTs) are shaping UK manufacturing. Using qualitative coding through NVivo, they identified core themes to provide a cross-cutting analysis of the challenges and opportunities in IDT adoption.
The metareview has generated a range of outputs, including an overarching theory of change, policy briefing and short animation to support manufacturers, technology providers, and policymakers to make informed decisions.
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Download “InterAct's Emergent Theory of Change - Policy Brief” Theory-of-Change-Digital.pdf – Downloaded 6 times – 1.31 MB